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SongBook 2015 - Little Green Frog

Música e ritmo da song LittLe Green Frog apresentados no vídeo pelo staff do YMCA Camp Mataucha.

♪MMMM, EH Went the little green frog one day MMMM, EH Went the little green frog♪

♪MMMM, EH Went the little green frog one day and his eyes went MMMM, AH, MMMM AH AH!♪ ♪HONK! HONK! went the big red truck one day

SPLISH, SPLISH! went the little green frog♪

♪And his eyes don't go MMM, EH anymore

cuz they got licked up by a dog, woof Woof!♪ Movimentos/Motions para realizar junto com a song: Make frog eyes with hands next to head and open and close them when saying MMMM, EH.

Honk truckers horn (pull down on an imaginary string with your arm bent 90 degrees) on HONK HONK.

Clap your hands at the same time you sing SPLISH SPLISH. Lick hand when the Frog gets licked up.

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